hoMe - BiO - ConCerTs - mUsic - SofTwarE - vaRia - linX - conTaCt
MySQL GuideDatabase creation, deleting and backupsCREATE DATABASE name; USE name; CREATE TABLE name (ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, field2 CHAR(25), field3 CHAR(10), datefield DATE , choices ENUM('one','two')); Use indexes to speed up searching, even on parts of fields or on combined fields: CREATE TABLE name (ID INT, field2 INT, INDEX keyIndex(field2)); CREATE TABLE name (ID INT , field2 CHAR(100), INDEX keyIndex(field2(20))); CREATE TABLE name (ID INT , field2 INT , field3 CHAR(100), INDEX compoundIndex(field2, field3(20))); CREATE TABLE name (ID INT, field2 INT, UNIQUE INDEX keyIndex(field2)); SHOW DATABASES ; SHOW TABLES ; DESCRIBE tablename; DROP TABLE tablename; DROP DATABASE name ; Also good to know is how to make a backup of your database: mysqldump --add-drop-table -u loginname -p databasename > file.sql The extra option --add-drop-table is handy because if you don't use it, you'll have to manually remove the old database if you want to restore it. This is how to restore one: mysql -u loginname -p<password> databasename < file.sql How to enter and edit valuesINSERT INTO tablename (field2, field3, datefield, choices) VALUES ('text', 'more text', '1970-21-31', 'two'); UPDATE tablename SET fieldname='content' WHERE fieldname='content'; Get results from the databaseFor a random result: SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1; Nearest match: SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE fieldname > 666 ORDER BY fieldname LIMIT 1; SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE fieldname < 666 ORDER BY fieldname DESC LIMIT 1; From multiple tables: SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.fieldname = table2.fieldname; SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.fieldname = table2.fieldname AND table1.fieldname = 'whatever'; |
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