< tHis Is yOungMusiC.oRg >

hoMe - BiO - ConCerTs - mUsic - SofTwarE - vaRia - linX - conTaCt

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Attr-X is an online interactive soundscape, currently in development. It's big and has its own website now. Visit attr-x.net for more.

YSE: a 3D audio engine, made originally for Attr-X, now has its own (provisory) website. It's still alpha software, but you can already try it out.



May 11, 2014: Zimcke and I just did a presentation on mobile music with geolocation in Kortrijk. Our paper can be downloaded.

April 10, 2014: The latest app I've created (for Musica) is 'Maasland Sound Route'.

December 12, 2013: Curvices is ready: a new mobile app I've created with graphics by Cox & Grusenmeyer and music by Rozalie Hirs.